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KALL ALL-Time Home Run Page

All-Time List of KALL Sluggers
(Since 2011)


Spring 2011 Home Runs Minimize
DateDivisionTeamPlayer's NameInside or Over Fence
4/7/2011 7:30 PMMajorsRangersBrendan Corbin3 run over the fence
4/7/2011 8:55 PMJuniorsAstrosTanner Pope3-Run Walk-Off over Left Center
4/14/2011 5:30 PMMajorsHot RodsPatrick Dante2-Run over Left Center
4/14/2011 5:30 PMMajorsHot RodsZach VolanSolo over Left Center
4/14/2011 9:30 PMMajorsSea DogsColin WilliamsWalk off - Over the fence
4/18/2011 7:30 PMMajorsBullsMatthew KissamisOver the fence - Solo Left Center Field
4/18/2011 9:00 PMMinor 9TigersTristan TurgeonINSIDE - 2 Runs - Dead Center - no errors
4/18/2011 7:30 PMMinor 9AngelsWylie HoldenINSIDE the park
4/15/2011 5:30 PMMinor 9AngelsWylie HoldenINSIDE the park
4/14/2011 5:30 PMMinorsPhilliesRyan BrashierINSIDE the Park - 2 Run
4/21/2011 7:30 PMMinorsPhilliesJordan LaracuenteINSIDE the Park
4/25/2011 5:30 PMMajorsBullsMatthew KissamisOver the center field fence
4/25/2011 5:30 PMMajorsHot RodsZac VolanOver the center field fence
4/26/2011 6:00 PMMajorsRangersBrendan Corbin2 run - Over the Fence
4/28/2011 7:15 PMMajorsSea DogsDylan CoxOver the Fence
4/28/2011 7:30 PMMinor 9AngelsWylie HoldenInside the Park Left Center
4/30/2011 1:00 PMMinor 9TigersTristan Turgeon INSIDE the park solo homer hit to dead center
5/2/2011 6:45 PMJuniorsAstrosChristopher LaffertySolo Over the Fence - Dead Center 280'
5/2/2011 7:30 PMMajorsHot RodsZach Volan3 Run over the fence - Center field
5/3/2011 8:00 PMMajorsRangersBrendan Corbin2 Run Over the fence - Opposite Field
5/2/2011 5:30 PMMinor 9AngelsIan FerrellInside the Park, Right Center, No Errors
5/5/2011 7:30 PMMajorsBullsMatthew KissamisOver Left field
5/5/2011 7:30 PMMajorsRangersBrendon CorbinOver Right field
5/7/2011 4:00 PMMinor 9RedsJoseph RussInside the Park, No Errors
4/29/2011 7:00 PMMajorsWhite SoxGavin Rhoads2-run Over the center field fence
5/19/2011 8:15 PMJuniorsMetsTaylor CoxGRAND SLAM over the Center Field Fence
5/19/2011 8:00 PMJuniorsMetsRicardo Parra2 Run Over the fence
5/23/2011 7:30 PMMinor 9AngelsWylie HoldenInside 2 run to left field
5/24/2011 7:30 PMMajorsRangersBrendan Corbin2 run Over the Fence
5/24/2011 8:00 PMMajorsRangersBrendan Corbin3 run Over the fence
5/24/2011 7:30 PMMajorsBULLSMatthew Kissamis2 run over left center
5/25/2011 8:00 PMMajorsSead DogsBrennan Langford3 run over fence
5/25/2011 8:30 PMMajorsSea DogsJoesph HillerSolo over fence
5/26/2011 7:30 PMJuniorsAstrosChristopher Lafferty320' Solo over Dead Center Field Fence
5/27/2011 5:30 PMMinor 9AngelsClayton KeysInside the Park, Right Center
5/24/2011 5:30 PMMajorsHot RodsTollie BordeauxOver left field Wall
5/31/2011 6:30 PMMajorsWhite SoxGavin RhoadsOver left Field Fence
6/2/2011 7:15 PMJuniorsMetsTaylor CoxOver Center Field Fence
3/29/2012 7:30 AMMajorsWhite SoxDrew TyraGRAND SLAM over left center field fence

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